Why We Snap: Understanding the Rage Circuits in Your Brain with R. Doug Fields


Every day we hear about otherwise law-abiding citizens with no history of mental illness or violence that snap and commit savage, senseless, and brutal acts of violence for seemingly trivial provocation. What caused them to snap? It turns out there are a limited number of triggers in our environment that cause the rage circuits in our brains to fire. The violent behavior is the result of the clash between our evolutionary hardwiring and these triggers in the contemporary world.

Neuroscientist, R. Douglas Fields, joins the podcast to explain the biological roots of why we snap and to reveal the nine triggers that set off the hardwired circuits in our unconscious brain that move us to rage and aggression without us even understanding the reason for it.

About Our Guest

R. Douglas Fields is an internationally recognized neuroscientist and the author of Why We Snap: Understanding the Rage Circuits in Your Brain. He is a senior investigator at the National Institutes of Health and editor in chief of Neuron Glia Biology and a member of the editorial board of several other journals in the field of neuroscience.


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