Sleep Talk


Sleep is as basic a need as eating, drinking, and breathing, yet an estimated fifty to seventy million Americans suffer from some form of chronic sleep disorder.

Our guest, Dr. Fotinakes, explores the topic of chronic sleep deprivation and how it has been shown to contribute to a variety of chronic diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and even a shortened life-expectancy. He defines adequate sleep, discusses sleep disorders, and shares what we can do to enhance our quality of sleep to improve our overall health.

About Our Guest

Dr. Peter Fotinakes is an esteemed sleep expert, dedicated to the research of sleep and the treatment of its disorders. He completed his residency in Neurology and a Fellowship in Sleep Medicine at the University of California, Irvine, Medical Center and is board certified in both Neurology and Sleep Medicine.

Dr. Fotinakes specializes in sleep medicine and is the Medical Director of the St. Joseph’s Hospital Sleep Disorders Center, a comprehensive, state-of-the art sleep medicine facility.


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