The Unredacted Fauci Emails With Jimmy Tobias


Today, I interview independent reporter Jimmy Tobias. Jimmy successfully challenged the NIH to have the redactions removed from Dr Fauci’s emails surrounding his secret deliberations with NIH Director Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar, and several renown virologists regarding the possible lab origin of COVID-19. We discuss the content of those unredacted emails between Drs. Fauci, Collins, Farrar and a cabal of internationally recognized virologists in the first nine days of February 2020.  These emails followed the now notorious February 1st, 2020, secret teleconference arranged by Jeremy Farrar and Anthony Fauci to discuss the unanimous opinion of four renown virologists that the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic had genetic features that looked “potentially engineered” and was “inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.” Within days of that secret teleconference, these virologists made a 180-degree about-face and wrote a highly influential correspondence in Nature Medicine entitled: The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2 stating unequivocally that the virus responsible for the COVID-19 could not have come from a lab. How the authors of The Proximal Origin Correspondence came to this reversal so quickly and so adamantly without any credible science to justify it was a mystery... until the redactions from Fauci emails were removed.

About Our Guest

Jimmy Tobias is an independent journalist who legally challenged the NIH redactions of Dr Fauci’s emails surrounding his secret deliberations with NIH Director Francis Collins, Jeremy Farrar, and several renown virologists regarding the origin of the virus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic, and successfully had those redactions removed. He is the author of the recent article appearing in the Intercept and The Nation entitled: “Evolution of a Theory: Unredacted NIH Emails show Efforts to Rule Out Lab Origin of COVID”


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